A new friend of my encouraged me today to write more on my blog as I seem to have a lot of opinions about cultural differences and food as we ate our 4th of July meal of grilled steak & side dishes.
I was telling her no matter how open-minded that we say we are, we all have our reservations about 'other cultures' food'!
Culture is made up of lot of different things such as language, religion, customs & traditions etc. But I don't think we include the food in this list as much as we should. As I traveled different countries, I realized how closed minded I was in trying 'different' food. (Different for whom?) Once I tried few times though, I started to appreciate and develop taste for other culture's food which enriched my life a lot; Although I admit, it is not easy to make oneself to try food that one is not familiar with.
Have you ever looked at a menu in a different cuisine and although it was in your language, you felt like you have no idea what food they are offering! I have! And it is part of the fun and excitement!
I recommend that this year you try some different food. Go ahead, don't be afraid! It is fun and who knows you may like it. It may also open the doors for a new friendships...
Will continue on this different cuisine discussion on another day as I feel I have lots to say!
Enjoy your food and 4th of July celebrations!